Whitewater Rafting Photography

On The American River, California

Quality, Value, Service & Licensing

My Rafting Photos is dedicated to producing the highest quality American River rafting photos on three forks of The American River.   More Locations, higher pixel count, best value and unparalleled customer service.

Whitewater Rafting Video

High Speed Video equates to Slow Motion.  This video was shot almost entirely at 120 frames per second (120 fps).  This allows you to see the guides working to control the rafts and all the unique facial expressions of joy and excitement as the whitewater rafts and kayaks crash through the frothy whitewater of The American River!

Kiwi Guide MG loving loving life and work on The American River, California

Raft Guides & River Community

Fun loving, energetic, talented in so many respects, and free spirited...  These are the people that lead you on your next river adventure.  These are the people I am fortunate enough to work with daily.

This collection of California River Guides is from years of running rivers and working as a photographer on The American River in Northern California.

Candids & Lifestyle

There is more to whitewater Rafting than just whitewater and rapids. It's a compilation of moments that happen throughout any given day that lead to the benefits of such an activity.  People come to the river for several reasons including relaxation, bonding, escape, team building, exercise, and to experience new challenges.

Do you remember the first time you jumped off a high-dive at the public pool?  How about jumping off of a rock into a cool river?  These are major moments in life that people often remember in years to come.

This is a collection of these moments captured as I paddle down river with my camera.  How cool is it that these memories can now last a lifetime?

Jump into the river and the PFD's floatation rockets you out of the water. Cool sunglasses too.
AWE Whitewater Rafting in Satan's Cesspool Rapid South Fork American River Gorge in Northern California

Peak Action

When most people book their rafting trip, this is what they typically sign up for.  It is at this moment that nothing else in the world matters.  It is at this moment, as water explodes all around you that you feel a vulnerability, your slightly out of control and Mother nature is in charge... and I am the one capturing that split second moment in time.

This collection of images puts the whitewater in Whitewater Rafting!

About The Photographer

Scott Blankenfeld has been whitewater rafting, kayaking, and shooting photos for 30 years.  His career on the American River started in 1994 when he joined a guide school in order to gain summer employment.  He was soon hooked and has since worked nearly all aspects of a river related business, including: guiding rafts, interning and volunteering for a national whitewater non-profit, managing a whitewater kayaking school, and owning and operating his own whitewater rafting company that he founded in 2010.

In the early days, Scott shot on a fully manual Olympus 35mm film camera.  In 2011, he upgraded his camera gear and began capturing imagery for his customers and to market his and other businesses.  Although he always enjoyed photography and has had photos published in The American Whitewater Journal, Canoe & Kayak Magazine and for commercial use on websites, it was at this time when he became serious about his photography.

Five years later, Scott sold his rafting company and has been shooting full time ever since.  Fast forward to present, he celebrates 30 years of working on the American River where he is grateful to be shooting California's leading whitewater rafting company, American Whitewater Expeditions, as a photographer and content creator.

Scott Blankenfeld Photographer